SAMMIE was invited as a guest performer for the first showcase 'MUSIC IN MOTION' in 2006 and with her slick combination of gymnastic skills and dance was she asked to contribute to other routines in the show. She joined as a student for the 2007 season helping with the choreography as well as performing as a soloist and in group numbers and with her unique style she was an asset to the company.
In November 2007 she was one of the thirty-nine students who performed in 'THRILL THE WORLD' at the Stiwt Theatre Rhos which was a worldwide record breaking attempt for the greatest number of dancers simultaneously performing to 'THRILLER' by Michael Jackson.
In mid 2008 Sammie was asked to step in as CHOREOGRAPHER for the showcase 'MEDLEYS IN MOTION' when Kayleigh Roberts successfully auditioned and secured a part in 'EVITA' in Manchester. With help from Andy Heath she successfully choreographed the remainder of showcase including the complicated medley from 'CELTIC TIGER' until Kayleigh's return when she then continued as ASSISTANT DIRECTOR.
Always willing to help others Sammie was a popular and able student and very capable choreographer - she secured a place on the Btec Performing Arts course at Yale College and became a Grade A student.